Consider: Grow 1-2: Faith
Take time to work through these questions and scriptures. When you have done that hit the mark complete button below.
Question – What do you think Faith is?
Take a moment and conclude for yourself what it means to have faith. We will then consider several types of faith that we see in the Bible.
Faith Type #1 – Head Faith, or Believing
- Read James 2:19
- What type of faith is that?
- Who has this type of faith, but definitely is NOT a follower of God.
- We call this type of faith believing, or belief.
- It often depends on things we consider to be factual, or the way it really is.
Faith Type #2 – Heart Faith, or Trust
- Read Psalms 37:1-8
- What type of faith is this?
- This type is called trust
- Trust often comes from knowing someone, or knowing what they are like
- It has an element of relationship to it.
Question – Why do We Need Both Types of Faith?
- The second type depends on the first type.
- Consider – Is there something Jesus does that you cannot do?
- Do you need to put your trusst in Jesus for something?
- What type of faith is found in John 3:16?
- What type of faith does the criminal have in Luke 23:32-43
- Search Bible Gateway for ‘faith’, ‘trust’ and ‘believe’ and see what you learn there.
- PRAY: Ask the Lord to Increase your faith.